Applied Experimental and Human Factors Psychology PhD Student
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
B.S., Psychology, George Mason University
Amira Mohamed-Ameen is a Ph.D. student in the Applied Experimental and Human Factors psychology program at the University of Central Florida. In 2010, she obtained her B.S. in the field of Psychology with a minor in Art and Visual Technology from George Mason University. Under the direction of Dr. Peter Hancock, she is currently working on examining the relationship between brain metabolism and cognitive resources, specifically, when the mind wanders. She hopes to also link this research to the world of driving. If that were not enough, Amira also hopes to attain a Masters of Science in Industrial Engineering en route to her doctorate degree. Her primary research interests include neuroergonomics, mind wandering, entertainment, theme parks, human-robot teams, trust in automation, adaptive automation, user interface design, human error, and distributed cognition. Outside of academia, Amira is a successful pianist, actress, painter, as well as an accomplished stand-up comedian. Beyond all else, she can make a mean mango mousse and do a killer impression of ‘Finding Nemo’s’ Dori.