Ben D. Sawyer

Ph.D., Applied Experimental and Human Factors Psychology
M.S., Industrial Engineering- Ergonomics focus
University of Central Florida

Ben D. Sawyer became interested in Psychology while studying Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan, and returned to the USA to pursue a BS in Psychology at Colorado State University. There, he was involved cognitive research using driving simulators and google based virtual environments to investigate the underpinnings of distraction, situational awareness and deja vu. After graduating with honors in 2010, Ben joined the Applied Experimental and Human Factors Psychology program at the University of Central Florida. His work centers around successes and failures of attention in human-machine systems. Exploring such cognition has led Ben to apply psychology, neuroscience and engineering in diverse contexts, including surface transport, cybersecurity, dismounted combat and human-robotic teaming. Ben is the recipient of multiple recognitions of his work in both Engineering and Psychology, including the triennial K.U. Smith Award for best HF/E journal article, two Air Force Repperger Fellowships, an APA Division 19 Student Research Award, the Intelligence Community Academic Excellence Scholarship.  Ben additionally led a team to become national champions for the NHTSA Emergency Safety Vehicle Student Design Award, and represented the United States in the international portion of the competition.  More information on Ben can be found at his portfolio website.  Click the web button above or surf to