Kimberly Stowers, Ph.D

Applied Experimental and Human Factors
Psychology Ph.D. Student
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Office: PSY 113A

Kimberly is a Ph.D. student in the Applied Experimental and Human Factors (AEHF) program at the University of Central Florida, where she conducts research with Dr. Peter Hancock examining human-robot interaction for the Robotics Collaborative Technology Alliance (RCTA). She also works at the Institute of Simulation and Training under the direction of Dr. Jessie Chen conducting research on trust and transparency in human-robot interaction for the Army Research Laboratory under the Autonomy Research Pilot Initiative (ARPI). Kimberly previously spent two years working under the directions of Dr. Eduardo Salas and Dr. Shawn Burke on topics in human factors and industrial/organizational psychology. She has experience researching human-machine systems, human performance measurement, safety analysis, distributed teams, multi-team systems, team training, and culture. Her primary interests lie in the research of human systems, including human-machine teams.

Kimberly believes that service is important for the future of human factors. She is currently serving as the President of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) student chapter, where she strives to benefit both the students of this program as well as up-and-coming students who may be looking for a future in psychology. Kimberly also mentors several undergraduates in the MIT2 lab, and is always open to taking students under her wing for completing directed research projects.